The Ultimate Christmas Email Campaign Checklist.

The festive season is upon us! By this time, your Christmas campaigns should be well planned out, but with so much to do, it’s quite possible that something might fall through the cracks.

That’s where this list — inspired by Klaviyo’s Black Friday checklist — comes in. We’ve covered everything you need to check to ensure your Christmas email campaigns run smoothly on Klaviyo. It’s one less thing to worry about!



When To Do It

Update Forms

  • Ensure all sign-up sources are connected to a list
  • Replace usual form promos to reflect Christmas promos

Before Christmas campaigns begin/ As soon as possible

Test & Update Flows

  • Update all flows to show Christmas promos by using flow cloning or flow variations
  • Shorten the time between cart abandonment flow emails
  • Use conditional splits to target website visitors that browse frequently but don’t make a purchase
  • Ensure Welcome Series emails connect to the same list as the ones connected to sign up sources
  • Test top revenue generating flows

Before Christmas campaigns begin/ As soon as possible

Update Shipping Information

  • Add shipping cut-off dates to flows and forms
  • Double check shipping information reflects correctly

Before Christmas campaigns begin/ As soon as possible

Build Segments

  • Build segments for Christmas campaigns in advance
  • Confirm emails are only sending to individuals that subscribed to marketing content

Before Christmas campaigns begin/ As soon as possible

Build Christmas Campaigns

  • Use universal content to update promo messaging faster for follow-up campaigns
  • Consider excluding recent purchasers from campaigns that offer larger discounts
  • Use Batch Sending or Smart Send Time to lessen the impact of traffic on website performance
  • Ensure links in content go to the right website pages
  • Tag Christmas campaigns with “Christmas22” to easily filter reports
  • Enable UTM tracking to measure Google Analytics performance

Before Christmas campaigns begin/ As soon as possible

Schedule Christmas Campaigns

  • Schedule email campaigns
  • Determine recipients at the time of scheduling to ensure up-to-date segmentation
  • Send emails during off-peak times
  • Turn off Smart Sending if campaigns need to be sent to all recipients
  • Use the scheduled status to sort campaigns going out in the future

Before Christmas campaigns begin/ As soon as possible

Update Digital Channels

  • Increase bids on paid advertising (like Google Shopping) to drive customers to your site during the holidays
  • Leverage cross channel marketing with Google Ads Integration and Facebook Integration


Consider SMS Strategies

  • Use SMS to give order/ sales updates
  • Send last minute deals
  • Emphasise shipping cut-off dates


Test Integrations

  • Ensure integrations are active
  • Double check integrations are sending data correctly to Klaviyo


Track & Monitor Performance

  • Monitor open rates
  • Check if revenue is progressing as anticipated

Throughout December, especially the week before Christmas

Check Payment Details

  • Ensure Klaviyo subscription is paid up or switch on auto payments

First week in December


After Christmas



When To Do It

Update Flows & Forms

  • Repeat process above for the rest of the holidays
  • Adjust campaigns for New Year’s promotions

December/ January

Review Performance

  • Use the Account Overview Dashboard to determine how campaigns performed

December – January

Remove Flow & Form Updates

  • Remove holiday shipping cut-off dates from flows and forms

As soon as shipping is back to normal

Prioritise Retention

  • Convert Christmas shoppers into loyal customers with post-purchase flows.
  • Target customers with cross-sell segments to promote items relevant to their initial purchase
  • Create promotions to drive extra purchases
  • Send invitations to loyalty programme


Maintain Deliverability

  • Clean lists and remove unengaged profiles
  • Prioritise flows to engaged segments



Let us know how your Christmas campaign went by commenting on LinkedIn.

Need some help setting up your email campaign? We can help! Contact us today.



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