Digital Transformation: Our Top Reads for 2023.

Can you believe we have reached the end of the year already? It’s been packed with opportunities for digital transformation! But have you used them, or is your business falling behind?

This year, we helped our customers to focus on all things digital transformation to ensure their businesses function optimally. From updating websites to email marketing strategies, HubSpot integrations to digital product launches, and everything in between, we’ve equipped customers with the latest digital tools.

Digital transformation can be challenging, especially if you are super busy already, but it’s worth it! Digital transformation is there to make your life easier by automating repetitive tasks, providing analytics, and streamlining communication with customers (along with many other things) so that you can use your time to do the work that matters.

Whether you are new to digital transformation or looking to use it more effectively, we have some ideas for you, and they are captured in our top reads for 2023, containing some essential info for your business’ journey to digitalisation.

How to Improve Customer Experience With Digital Transformation

If you want one place to start with digital transformation, then it’s with your customer experience.

This article covers a variety of elements like the customer journey, communication methods, automation tools, and personalisation, which can all be optimised with digital tools. However, the focus of this article also emphasises the importance of maintaining a human touch. The information clearly shows how you can balance digital tools and humanity so that you “talk to your customers, not at them.”

Use this information to brainstorm potential ideas for digitisation in your business.

How to Improve Customer Experience With Digital Transformation

Email Marketing: 5 A/B Tests to Increase Email Conversions

Email marketing should be part of your digital strategy. Sure, it may seem old school, but people do read emails. Our customers easily generate an additional 27% revenue by sending frequent messages to a dedicated subscriber base. During the Black Friday weekend this year, one of our customers saw a 200% increase in online sales thanks to email marketing!

Just imagine a 10% increase in sales — what would that mean for your business?

As you build a subscriber base and send emails, it’s natural to wonder why some emails perform better than others; however, you don’t have to wonder. You can figure it out with A/B tests. Five potential A/B tests are described in this article. It will give you an idea of what you can (and should) be testing.

Beyond Clicks and Opens: It’s Time to Expect More From Your Email Reporting

Speaking of email marketing and testing, you need to check metrics frequently to monitor your performance and adjust your strategy. This article from Klaviyo, one of our favourite email marketing automation tools, explains what you should expect from your email reports. It covers everything from why reporting is important to customising reports for your business.

We love the screenshots and comparisons in the article. It demonstrates how simple metrics — like click-through rate, conversion rate, and deliverability rates — can be used to measure performance and improve future emails. If you are a Klaviyo user, you’ll also know that the platform provides you with industry benchmarks, something that makes reporting even more meaningful.


6 Problems AI Solves in Customer Service [New Data] 

In a world where consumers can get everything they need at the touch of a button, your customer service has to be better than ever to succeed. At the same time, you have to juggle digital transformation, merchandising, accounts management, and a bunch of other stuff. Many digital tools use some form of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make life easier for you. 

HubSpot gives you a better idea of how AI can improve customer service in this article. It covers details like prioritising customer needs, time management, long wait times, personalisation, collecting and analysing customer feedback, and customer communication.

How to Target the Right People With Customer Segmentation

To provide excellent customer service, you need to understand your customers. The more you know about them, the better you can tailor promotions and communication to them.

Customer segmentation is part of the foundation of any good marketing plan, and there are many digital tools to help you segment your customer base. In this article, you will go back to basics and uncover different types of segmentation, why it is important, and how you can implement it in your business using platforms such as HubSpot and LinkedIn.

Understand the Data: How HubSpot Integrations Make Businesses Better

HubSpot is one of our favourite digital transformation tools because you can manage many different parts of your business from it. Their integrations allow you to centralise your data and efforts by linking your other digital marketing tools to HubSpot. This article focuses on how those integrations can improve your business performance. 

20 Web Banner Design Ideas to Help You Build an Eye-Catching Site

Designing captivating images and videos for your website, social media, and adverts is crucial to draw in customers and get them interested in your business. There are also many different tools to help with your design efforts. Web banners are some of the most important parts of your website and help customers find what they are looking for. They can also get customers interested in something they didn’t even know they wanted.

In this article by HubSpot, various web banner examples are analysed to determine why they work well. Use these ideas to inspire your designs.


Social Media SEO: 10 Social Media Strategies to Boost SEO

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is something that every business needs if they want their website to rank well on search engines. How is your website’s SEO?

Many people will tell you that you have to focus on technical SEO, on-page SEO, and link building; however, you can also use social media to improve your SEO efforts. Yes, social media is a tool for digital transformation, as explained in this article.

Social media also links to other marketing tools (like integrating with HubSpot) so you can better manage your social media presence and send customers to your website where they can take additional actions. Social media creates opportunities for conversation, pushing products, and learning what customers want; it’s everything you need to improve your marketing efforts even more.

How Klaviyo Pays Off for the C-Suite

If you are part of a marketing team, you know how challenging it can be to justify incomes and expenses to management. But, using digital tools makes it easier to explain performance because you can get reports easily.

We’ve already touched on Klaviyo’s reporting abilities earlier, but this article discusses how you can use those reports to convince C-Suite executives that digital transformation is not just necessary, but also pays off. You can use a similar approach for any other tools.

How to Increase Your Content Marketing ROI

While we are on the topic of reporting, let’s touch on return on investment (ROI), which is essential to prove that your marketing efforts are working. It becomes challenging when you have to calculate the ROI for different campaigns, marketing channels, and digital tools because each one has its own measures that contribute to ROI. Luckily, most platforms will provide you with the metrics you need so all you need to do is interpret them.

ROI becomes especially important when it comes to content marketing. Sometimes, it’s tough to prove that specific content performed well, but it is possible. In this article, you’ll discover how to measure content ROI and how to improve it since content is such an important part of digital transformation.

How to Increase Your Content Marketing ROI

What Was Your Top Read for 2023?

There you have it! These were our top reads for 2023. We hope that they are helpful for you too, and that they inspire you to push your digital transformation efforts in 2024. Don’t be afraid to adopt digital tools; they will be useful for your business, save you money, and improve customer experience. So, what tool are you going to start with?





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In the world of e-commerce, understanding your customers is paramount. But what if you could not only understand them, but utilise that knowledge to maximise your revenue potential? That’s where warbble•digital and Klaviyo come in – a powerful combination that empowers businesses to do just that through its sophisticated segmentation features.

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